
Facial Waxing


$25 USD



$40 USD


$15 USD



$40 USD


$15 USD



$55 USD

Side Face

$15 USD


Full Face

$70 USD

Body Waxing


$60 USD



$110 USD


$85 USD



$120 USD


$85 USD


Under Arms

$30 USD


$75 USD



How long does the hair need to be? 

  • The hair should be 1/4in long to be waxed, or about as long as a grain of rice for a visual. That is about 2-3 weeks of hair growth depending on the person. 

Does it hurt?

  • There is typically a little discomfort with waxing as the hair is being taken out of the follicle. But every person's pain tolerance varies. It also depends on which area is being waxed as well. If needed you can take a Tylenol or Ibuprofen 30 minutes before the appointment.

What are the benefits of waxing?

  • Waxing creates smooth skin for weeks compared to shaving.

  • Thinner/finner regrowth.

  • Slow regrowth with continued waxing.

  • No cutes or razor burn from a razor. 

How often should I get waxed?

  • 3-4 weeks for facials waxing.

  • 2-3 weeks for an underarm wax

  • 4-6 weeks for Bikini/ Brazilian & all other body waxes.

    * I will always schedule accordingly after I asses hair growth after 1-2 visits. 


What can I do about ingrown hairs? 

  • There are a few things to note, DO NOT PICK! It can further irritate the follicle and eventually lead to scarring. Also if you are prone to ingrown hairs you must use a product specifically to target ingrown hairs. I have several recommendations and also products to purchase if needed. 


What if I am currently taking medication?

  • If you are currently taking antibiotics or using any type of topical acne treatment, or if you’re using Retinols, Epiduo, AHAs or BHAs, these can create sensitivities that can lead to the lifting of the skin after a wax.

    * You must be off Accutane for 6 months before waxing. 


Can I get waxed while pregnant?

  • Yes absolutely! Please keep in mind that with pregnancy it can make the skin a bit more sensitive to waxing. As always, if you have more questions or concerns about waxing while pregnant please consult your doctor.